Through the Seasons: A free gift to all my wonderful cooking friends – Enjoy!!

Through the Seasons: A free gift to all my wonderful cooking friends – Enjoy!!

This year is the beginning of a new journey for me. I’m setting out by offering a gift to all of you who have supported my work over the years. Thank you. To download a PDF of Through the Seasons with the Virginia House-Wife vol 

Cauliflower – The Virginia House-Wife, pg 123 / Mary Randolph

Cauliflower – The Virginia House-Wife, pg 123 / Mary Randolph

Choose those that are close and white, and of a middle size, trim off the outside leaves, cut off the stalk flat at the bottom, let them lie in salt and water an hour before you boil them.  Put them in boiling water with a 

Cabbage A-La-Creme – The Virginia House-Wife, pg 105 / Mary Randolph

Cabbage A-La-Creme – The Virginia House-Wife, pg 105 / Mary Randolph

Take two good heads of cabbage, cut out the stalks, boil it tender with a little salt in the water, have ready one large spoonful of butter and a small one of flour rubbed into it, half a pint of milk, with pepper and salt, 

Asparagus – The Virginia House-Wife, pg 121 / Mary Randolph

Asparagus – The Virginia House-Wife, pg 121 / Mary Randolph

Set a stew pan with plenty of water on the fire, sprinkle a handful of salt in it, let it boil and skim it; then put the asparagus prepared thus: scrape all the stalks till they are perfectly clean, throw them in a pan of